This is why realistic, genuine orgasmisc scenes - not too fast/loud/garrulous etc - where a hapless female being taken advantage of by step brother can genuinely play the ingenue part for example, are worth their weight in gold. It is difficult to get context here as this is only one scene and I do not know how she happened upon being trussed so, but this woman here certainly seems to be playing the part...Pretty Peaches though was the absolute effing mistress in this department though
Why shouldn't she be so inclined? Most people don't want to have sex with most other people, but nearly everyone needs money…there's a reason they're called 'actresses', and you are right to admire her for acting well.
If we demanded actual lust and enjoyment, we'd either have to remember to be really credulous or else be routinely disappointed.
When porn was porn.......turn off sound and see if it's still hot. Oh......and notice the lack of 'tramp stamps' and fake tiddies. Defiantly the Golden Age.
If we demanded actual lust and enjoyment, we'd either have to remember to be really credulous or else be routinely disappointed.